Non-resident Tax Planning

At Aston Shaw, we are experienced in dealing with – and mediating – all matters relating to non-resident tax planning.

Whether you are leaving the UK for employment in another country, coming from overseas to work in the UK, looking to purchase a property abroad or simply moving for a change of lifestyle – our friendly tax specialists can advise on your own unique tax position.

Non-Resident Tax Planning with Aston Shaw

The tax rules and regulations regarding residency, non-residency and domicile change regularly and we would always advise clients to speak with us about any changes to your residency status or have any queries about how this may impact your personal tax requirements. We can advise on tax planning and compliance for the following:

  • Residence tax rules
  • Non-resident landlords
  • Domicile status

If you are a UK resident going abroad, we can support you with everything from your departure from the UK, to advice on income tax on earnings and investments, through to your re-entry into the UK.

If you’re an overseas national coming over to the UK, we can help you to ensure you are in the best financial position by providing advice on establishing your UK tax status, income tax on earnings and investments as well as providing recommendations on where to hold UK assets.

Tax Planning for Non-Resident Landlords

Whether you own a property abroad as a lifestyle choice or as an investment to generate income, it’s important to understand your tax liability. Factors such as the location of the property, the duration of rental periods and your own place of residence can all have an impact.

Our team will work with you to ensure you are not paying more tax than required.

Domicile Tax Status

In certain circumstances, a change of domicile can bring tax benefits, however it’s important to carefully consider the implications of this change from a tax point of view before going ahead.

If you are a UK National leaving the UK, or an overseas National coming to the UK, our team can provide advice and expert insight to ensure your finances are managed tax-efficiently.

If you’re unsure what’s right for you and would welcome expert insight on your situation, please get in touch.

The Aston Shaw Approach

At Aston Shaw, we will provide Non-Resident Tax Planning advice in an easy and straightforward manner, so you can get on with enjoying your life.

We make sure that every client has their own dedicated team, with a team of client advisors and specialist accountants working closely together.

This helps to give you a fast response and a quick turnaround time, as well as a team of expert accountants who are on hand to help and advise you on your personal tax return, and any other requirements you may have.


FAQs on Non-resident Tax Planning

The UK government states that you are usually non-resident if either:

  • you spent fewer than 16 days in the UK (or 46 days if you have not been a UK resident for the 3 previous tax years)
  • you worked abroad full-time (averaging at least 35 hours a week), and spent fewer than 91 days in the UK, of which no more than 30 were spent working

If you are unsure of your tax status, you can use the government’s residence status checker. This will give you an indication of whether you were a UK resident in any tax year from 6 April 2016.

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