Norwich: 01603 616300

We Can Help You Make Use of the Government Kickstart Scheme

October 2020

We act as a representative, allowing smaller employers to pool together to take advantage of the Kickstart Scheme.


The Kickstart Scheme provides funding to employers to create new 6-month job placements for young people who are currently on Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment.

This is part of the government’s Plan for Jobs and aims to create hundreds and thousands of new, fully funded jobs across England, Scotland and Wales. The first placements are likely to be available from November.

Funding will cover for each job placement:

The scheme can be accessed directly by employers creating positions for 30 or more individuals. For many employers this would not be feasible, so employers of similar sectors can pool together to make an application by using a ‘Kickstart Scheme Gateway Organisation’.

Aston Shaw can support local businesses to access funding by becoming a Kickstart Scheme Gateway Organisation. In this role we will gather the information needed to submit an online application and if your application is approved, pass on the relevant payments made by DWP to you.

Funding available for each new job will cover the relevant National Minimum Wage for 25 hours a week, plus the associated employer National Insurance contributions and employer minimum automatic enrolment contributions (maximum contribution available £6,500 incl. on-costs). Employers are able to increase the hours but would be needed to cover the cost differential.

There will also be funding available to support young people to develop new skills and to help them move into sustained employment after they have completed their Kickstart funded job.

If this is of interest to you, please let us know by emailing enquiries@astonshaw.co.uk or by calling us on 01603 616300 and state your industry and how many employees you’re looking to hire.

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